Obstacle Illusion
“Audiological Visualization: Together the duo weave an aural and visual tapestry to dazzle the senses.“
The Paper, Albuquerque, NM
With ACVilla’s work, “there’s a continuous sense that things aren’t quite right but are still beautiful and intriguing. It’s a similar quality that I’m after with my approach. We’re both interested in recontextualising sounds and images and therefore challenging our preconceptions about life and our relationship with the world.”
Thollem in The Wire
Obstacle Illusion Live pairs ACVilla’s visuals with an electronic soundtrack by Thollem. Stemming from the name of Thollem’s solo album on Astral Spirits Records, the music is an exploration and a celebration of sound, influenced and inspired by infinite sonic approaches and sources. ACVilla takes us on a visual journey utilizing unique techniques and approaches she has developed over the last decade. Through multiple overlaying of live sonic and visual stimuli, Obstacle Illusion Live reveals subconscious thoughts and hidden memories. The experience is simultaneously pleasurable, challenging and intellectually stimulating. Eternity filtered through two artists at the center of a world on the edge.
ACVilla “invites viewers to see an artistic bridge between human’s urban developments and the natural world,” while “Thollem’s talent pushed the boundaries of melody, inviting the audience to observe and think deeply throughout the uncanny and unique auditory artwork they were experiencing.”
Lola Watts, Santa Barbara Independent

While ACVilla incorporates her approach, contextualizations, into many of her works, she tours Obstacle Illusion internationally with her partner and musician, Thollem.
“Multimedia Performance Invites a Shift in Perspective“
Santa Barbara Independent

Obstacle Illusion Live has been presented by:
the University of Santa Barbara, Guild Cinema in Albuquerque, Uncool Residency in Poschiavo, La Chute in Firenze, Teatro Refugio in Livorno, Rotunda in Philadelphia, Array Music in Toronto, Ler Devagar in Lisbon, Sonoscopia in Porto, Sala Perriera in Palermo, Infrasuoni l’Asilo in Napoli, Resilienza in Bitonto, Spettro in Brescia, OCCii in Amsterdam, Center for Contemporary Arts in Santa Fe, Works/San José, Silence in Guelph, Performing Arts Forum in St. Erme, and Imbarchino in Torino.